PEMF, is a revolutionary wellness modality that utilizes soothing Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields to stimulate and exercise the body’s cells. PEMF, also known as High Energy Inductive Therapy (HEIT), is trusted worldwide to support the body’s natural healing and regulating abilities.
The earth emits a pulsing electromagnetic field at 7.8 hertz. This natural energy field, combined with around 8 million global lightning strikes per day, allows our planet to sustain life. Much like the earth, our bodies are electromagnetic; our brains use electromagnetic signals to communicate with every bodily system. Science has proven that if our cells have enough electrical charge, the body will heal itself![15]
PEMF is a holistic supplement that infuses the body with natural energy at the cellular level. The body may use that energy to:
Single 1 hour session $75
10 session package $600
Dr. Essen can also test on the Electrodermal Screening for how many times a week and for how long your body needs the PEMF! This is not required, but if you would like, you can book an Electrodermal Screening session with him beforehand!